Have A Victory Party

Have A Victory Party

But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. I Corinthians 15:57 (NKJV)

We just watched the Superbowl. Any time a team wins a championship, they celebrate. They throw a big city-wide bash and have a parade. Everybody screams, and shouts and dances around like nuts. It’s one big, joyous time for the winners.

If they can celebrate after a victory which was won in human effort, why can’t we celebrate the victory we have that has been won for us- without our own effort? Jesus gave the devil a real once-and-for-all beat-down. The enemy’s loss was epic. You might even say his defeat was of biblical proportions. So, why can’t we dance around and shout and have a ball? We can- and we should.

And even while we are waiting for breakthroughs in our lives, we can throw a victory party. Yep, I said that while we are waiting for the manifestation, we can celebrate. As a matter of fact, God loves it when we celebrate the victory BEFORE it happens, because that is an act of faith. And faith pleases God.

We can praise Him, shouting, dancing, jumping, and raising our hands in victory. We can sing and give thanks for the victory that we know we already have been given. We can be as nutty and crazy as the fans of the winning Superbowl team. As a matter of fact, we ARE the winning team. We are on the side of victory because we are on the Lord’s side. Our God has never been defeated and He never will! What a record!!!

I challenge you today to stand up right now, raise your hands and give God your biggest victory shout! Have a victory party. He’s fighting for you and He’s already handed you the win!

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