Keep The Life in Your Love Life

Keep The Life in Your Love Life

Married people can become so accustomed to each other that they lose the sense of fun that they had when they first met. Life gets busy, and we start to take each other for granted. The bedroom isn’t the only place where intimacy is created. It is in the special moments and times spent enjoying each other’s company where we draw close and maintain that closeness. If we remember that a big key to lasting marital bliss is found in spending quality time together, the rate of divorce in Christian marriages would decrease significantly.

Think about when you first met. What were the fun, creative things you used to do together? Do you still do those things? Have you found new ways to spend time together, creating new memories? Or do you both do your own thing, spending little time alone together? Is most of your time devoted to your children and your spouse gets the leftovers of your time and energy? These are honest questions you need to ask yourself.

For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church. Ephesians 5:31-32 (KJV)

Marriage is a union blessed by God and it is intended to simluate the relationship of Jesus with His church. Jesus gives 100% of Himself to His bride, the church. We are to give 100% to our spouses, not being lazy about maintaining a positive, vibrant relationship with them. Marriage takes work, and we cannot allow our marriage relationships to fall by the wayside. When our time is spent with others more than our husband or wife, it does not glorify God. And it opens the door to the enemy to sow seeds of discontentment and strife. Your mate should be your best friend, and if they are not, you can change that.

If you have drifted apart, make a quality decision to spend more time together. Set dates nights where you go out and do things alone together- and keep them. And children are not invited on date nights. It is important to keep your relationship with your spouse and your children in perspective. Some day your children will grow up and move out. That is the natural course of things and when it happens, it will be just you and your spouse again. It is important to invest in your marriage so it is fun and healthy through all the stages of life.

It may take some effort, but it’s worth it to find ways to have fun together and keep the life in your love life.

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