Changing One Another

Changing One Another

Have you ever tried to change someone- maybe a friend or relative- only to have them get worse? Or maybe there have been some people you’ve known that you had to let go because they refused to change. Harping on someone won’t change them; it oftens makes them more stubborn and resistant. Parents often do this with their kids. Husbands and wives do it with each other. Seldom is it effective.

Ironically, in most relationships, the people involved try to change each other. For example, the Christian woman who dates an unsaved man and thinks she can win him to Christ. Once in a blue moon this might work, but the overwheling majority of the time it doesn’t. In the first place, unsaved people are not supposed to date non-Christians (see II Corinthians 6:16-18) and its because we must be with people that we can stand with in faith through life’s journey.

We must remember that only God can change people- and only if they want to change. If God cannot touch them to the point where they want to change, they you certainly won’t change them. Trying to change the unchangeable will only frustrate you.

Keep the Serenity Prayer in mind, and it will save you a lot of heartache, stress, and irritation.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

This will help you have more peace as you trust God to bring lasting and positive change to those around you. And remember- harping and nagging does no good, so harp not, my friend. Pray instead.

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