God's Got Surprises

God's Got Surprises

I will answer them before they even call to me. Isaiah 65:24 (New Living Translation, NLT)

God will do things for us that we’re not even expecting. God answers us before we even ask. Why? Becuase as a good Father, He likes to do good things for His children.

Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. James 1:17 (NLT)

So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him. Matthew 7:11 (NLT)

A few weeks ago I was talking with a man we know, and I admired his shoes. We got in a conversation about how well they supported his feet. Keep in mind these are not cheap shoes. I mentioned to Janean what we were talking about. Without telling me, she looked online for that brand of shoe and bought a pair. On the day she did it, that brand was on sale for one day only at a huge discount. I think she got them even cheaper than half price. A few days later, I am working in the yard and the UPS driver pulls up and hands me a delivery. I opened the box and found not just the same brand, but the same style and color as the ones I had admired. Bear in mind, Janean had not seen the shoes- she only knew the brand. God surprised me with shoes, the kind I wanted and at a huge savings, without me ever asking Him for them in prayer. Some people wouldn’t recognize that for the divine blessing that it is and that is why some people don’t think that God will suprise them- they don’t see it when God does something good for them.

Psalm 119:68 tells us that the Lord is good and does good. He loves us and He enjoys surprising us. God is love, according to I John 4:8, which means everything He does is motivated by love. God will surprise us just because He is love and loves us. And He is about to bring some surprises to you. When you least expect it- SURPRISE! He knows how to put a song in our hearts and a smile on our faces. So, keep your eyes open for the surprises coming your way. Our Lord is the God of surprises!

Getting Answers

Getting Answers

