A Deeper Word

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Your Life Has Purpose- Part 2

Let’s continue yesterday’s discussion on purpose. As we are born-again, we become God’s children. That is your new and true identity- God’s child. It’s who you really are. As God’s children, we find our purpose throguh our heavenly Father. God shows us our purpose.

He will guide you to your designed purpose by what you like or don’t like, what you’re good at or not-so-good at, and other aspects of your personal make-up. Your purpose will fit like a glove. When you find your place, it feels right- it fits. We find satisfaction and contentment by doing what God put us here to do.

Purpose gives us direction and meaning to life. Walking in our God-given purpose brings peace and joy. And purpose even gives us strength and power when the going gets rough. As we give ourselves to God, spirit, soul, and body, he molds us into the person He intended us to be from before the very foundation of the world.

For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Romans 8:29 (KJV)

As we fulfill our purpose, we, in turn, are fulfilled. When we are fulfilling our purpose, we can rest and be at peace. And purpose has no expiration date- no matter your age or how long you have been walking with God, you still have something meaningful to do for God. Our purpose is what makes our lives take on real meaning. Fulfilling destiny gives us a happiness and joy that cannot be found any other way. We were put here for a reason. We are not just meant to exist, but to pursue our purpose.

The definition of purpose could be stated as: the design of a thing, it’s meaning, its objective and the point it exists. My friend, your life has a point. It has meaning and an objective. Don’t let the devil lie to you and tell you otherwise.Purpose gives us hope and helps keep hope alive until we reach our objective. And when we reach the end of this life, our purpose will not have ended; it will have only just begun. Purpose is eternal and is carried over into the next realm. Purpose will lead us home to live with God forever, which is our eternal purpose and destiny.