When The Pieces Come Together

When The Pieces Come Together

Jim and I moved recently, and we have been doing a lot of unpacking. I’m sure most of you are familiar with the puzzle of trying to find the right “home” for each item. It seems that each thing is moved several times before the right placement becomes evident. But it feels so good when you figure out exactly where it should go.

The same is true of our lives. Sometimes we struggle to find the right “placement” for the things we have been through or the places we are going. It takes us some time to understand why we have been where we’ve been or why the Lord had us do certain things. However, when we see how His plan has been coming together and the random aspects of our lives turn out to be not-so-random, it feels so good. When the pieces of the divine puzzle of our lives find their proper place, we finally see what God has been doing all along. We may not always see everything clearly while we are in the midst of a stiuation, but when He reveals to us His plan, it amazes and astounds us because His plan is always awesome and far beyond anything we could dream up.

Right now you may be in the middle of something that doesn’t seem to make sense to you. Perhaps, like us, you are trying to figure out where everything should go. I want to encourage you to keep trusting the Lord, especially when all seems unsettled and confused. Given time, God will show you what He has been doing and the purpose of each thing you have experienced. Eventually, when the pieces come together, everyhting will make sense and God’s great over-arching plan will be clear to see. And you’ll be glad that you hung in there.

Trust the Lord with all your heart, and don’t depend on your own understanding. Remember the Lord in all you do, and he will give you success. Proverbs 3:5-6 (New Century Version, NCV)

The Healer, The Helper

The Healer, The Helper

Expect God's Favor

Expect God's Favor