The Hope of Home

The Hope of Home

There’s probably no time of the year that speaks of home more than the holidays. The smells of baking, the warmth of a fireplace, and the Christmas ornaments collected through the years combine to make things homey and draw our minds down memory lane to past Christmases. The Christmas song that says “there’s no place like home for the holidays” is certainly right. And as I make preparations for Christmas, I also think of a different kind of home- my real home- Heaven.

For to me, living means living for Christ, and dying is even better. Philippians 1:21 (New Living Translation, NLT)

I have to be honest. There are times when I long, sometimes even pine, for my heavenly home. The idea of being away from the stress, the cares, and the fallen nature of this world is so appealing. And to be free from the carnality of my flesh is something I look forward to with great anticipation. Not to mention, my heart’s desire to see my beloved Savior. Lately, I have noticed there have been more and more accounts brought forth from people who say they have been to Heaven- either by dreams, visions, or by dying and coming back. Many of their stories have common themes, while some add new details or a different perspective of Heaven’s amazing realities. And I relish each and every one of them.

On the other hand, I have to balance my desire to “leave this popsicle stand” with my assigned purpose for being here. Like Paul, for us to be here means we have a longer opportunity to live for Christ and do things for the kingdom. And to die and go to Heaven is to graduate on to a much better situation. And while I would love to go to Heaven more than anything, I have to choose to find joy in what I am here for right now. To do any less would mean disobeying the Lord, who told us to occupy, or conduct business with what we’ve been given, until He comes (Luke 19:13).

When we balance our earthly assignment to help others and lead them to Jesus with the beautiful, perfect life waiting for us in Heaven, we have joy for today and hope for the future. Our hope of Heaven helps us in the here and now as we live this earthly life to bring glory to God. And one day, our hope of home will be fulfilled and we will finally be where we knew we belonged all along.

The Price We Pay to Obtain

The Price We Pay to Obtain

The Perfect Word of God

The Perfect Word of God