It's Not Over 'Til God Says It's Over

It's Not Over 'Til God Says It's Over

Why do we tend to give up so easily? When things start to look hard or the odds are stacked against us, why do we doubt God? When times get rough, the promises that we’ve been given by the Lord are still the same as the day when He gave them to us. Even if circumstances change, His promises never do. They are as reliable as He is.

He replied, “What is impossible for people is possible with God.” Luke 18:27 (New Living Translation, NLT)

God relishes a good challenge. He actually likes it when the circumstances don’t look to be in His favor. The remarkable accomplishments of God would not be so remarkable if they looked easy to do. If you’ve walked with the Lord any amount of time, you’ve likely seen Him pull off some things that amazed you. It’s how He operates. Why do you think He waited until Lazarus had been dead four days to go to him? After all, a resurrection is much more miraculous to us than a healing.

In our current political situation, we can be certain that God is at work. He has an agenda regarding this nation, and He will have His way. Our country was dedicated to God by the pilgrims for the purpose of worshiping Him and evangelizing the world. He will not turn His back on that covenant. His purposes will come to pass. He is restoring us, and He is setting us up for the greatest spiritual awakening the United States has ever seen. And what happens in the U.S. will impact the rest of the world. The difficult spot we seem to be in is the actual evidence that God will win. He never allows his children to be ovetaken by the devil, so we should stay in faith. Don’t give up now- God is doing amazing things behind the scenes- and it’s about to get exciting!

Godly Strategies for Difficult Relationships

Godly Strategies for Difficult Relationships

Do Something Lest You Do Nothing

Do Something Lest You Do Nothing