Responding to a Move of the Spirit

Responding to a Move of the Spirit

As we discussed yesterday, a great outpouring and move of God is on the horizon. The Spirit usually touches every part of us- spirit, soul and body. As the Holy Spirit moves, people respond in a variety of ways.

And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. I Thessalonians 5:23 (KJV)

This verse shows us that man is spirit, soul, and body.

  • The spirit is the part of us that was born-again at slavation and was filled with the Holy Spirit. We communicate with God through our spirits. Our spirit is where we hear and know God.

  • The soul is our mind, will, and emotions. It is in the process of being saved. The mind must be renewed and transformed by the Word of God. The will must be surrendered to the will of God and willing to obey Him. The emotions must be used for godly purposes and must not be what leads our decision-making.

  • The body is how we interact with the physical world around us. It will not be saved, but at the rapture it will be transformed. Until then, we must keep it in subjection to our spirits by fasting and time spent with Jesus.

Each of us is spirit, soul, and body, but we all respond to the move of God differently based on how we are wired individually. It must always be based on God’s Word and led by His Spirit, resulting in glory being given to God. Let’s break down the various ways people respond to a move of the Spirit.

  1. Intellectually. Some people are more intellectual than others. That’s okay- God knows how to reach them. These people will think on Scripture, His Works and His ways, comparing it to past moves of God, and examples in the Word. They ponder and think on what they experience.

  2. Emotionally. Some may shout, cry, laugh. This response is common and frequently accompanies a move of God.

  3. Physically. Some people may dance, run, jump, or lay prostrate before God.

  4. Experientially. People may begin to speak in tongues, prophesy, shake, fall under the power of the Spirit. Some may report having visions or other Spiritual encounters while under the power of the Spirit. There have even been accounts of people being caught up to heaven or seeing Jesus during such moves of God.

A move of the Spirit cannot be explained or put in a box. Many manifestations occur, and the presence and power of the Lord will affect each of us in different ways. As we look expectantly for the Lord to move across this nation and the earth, He will touch us. Do not be afraid to respond in the genuine way the Lord leads you, as long as there is order. Any move of God will not be confused or disorderly. But, as the Holy Spirit moves, it will be an amazing and wonderful thing to experience.

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