Policy Over Personality

Policy Over Personality

When just leaders are in power, the citizens celebrate; but when evil people gain control, their joys become moans. Proverbs 29:2 (The Voice VOICE)

Contrary to what some people may think, God is interested in government. He wants us to choose godly, just rulers so that we may live in peace, freedom and prosperity. How do we choose the right people to govern, especially when the candidates seem so imperfect and flawed? The best way is to look at the fruit they produce, or what they have done or say they plan to do. If we keep the personalities out of the decision, we can more objectively make a godly choice. After all, when we look at Scripture, the people that God used the most were those who were extremely flawed.

For example, King David, whom God called a man after His own heart, was an awful parent (read about his children and how badly they turned out), an adulterer, and a murderer. He was deceitful and worked hard to cover up his adultery by having an innocent man killed. And then he went for more than a year without accepting responsibility or repenting for it. Yet God used him to rule over Israel and is considered by most to be their greatest king (other than Jesus).

Gideon was used by God despite the fact that he clearly had an inferiority complex. Abraham was used by God even though Scripture showed him to be a liar on many occasions. Moses had an anger problem. Peter was full of himself. Paul was a murderer of Christians, and the list goes on. God even used heathens to further his purposes, such as King Cyrus, who was used by God to permit His people to return to their homeland to rebuild the temple.

The only perfect person was Jesus. He never sinned. And He did come against wickedness in government. That is why He overturned the tables of the those who bought and sold in the temple. That is why He spoke out against the wicked religious rulers- they ruled the people and made them do things in the name of religion that they themselves would not even do. They loved money, power, and prestige and had no care for the people. Jesus cares about righteous government and hates it when wickedness rules a land. And He uses imperfect people to bring about righteousness in a land.

So, look at the accomplishments of the candidates. Look at their platforms, because that is what they really stand for despite what they may say on the campaign trail. And make your decision based on godly principles, not on personality or how they look or speak. Don’t judge based on outward appearance.

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” I Samuel 16:7 (New International Version, NIV)

Vote for the one who aligns their actions, policies, and platform with the Word of God. When you vote for God’s principles and not for a personality, you can’t go wrong.

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