Could It Be?

Frequently during this pandemic we’ve been hearing the phrase, “the new normal.” It’s as if everyone is expecting the world to change and be forever impacted in a very negative way by what has been happening. There will be a new normal, but not in the way many people think.

Could it be that the very plague that the enemy unleashed on the world will cause millions to turn to God? Could it be that the disease and fear that the devil tried to use to render the church powerless will instead serve to make her stronger and more impactful than ever? Could it be that the attacks that have come against this country will bring its people to repentance? Could it be that the schemes and srategies of the foe will be turned back on his head? Could it be that when all is said and done that the Lord takes all the bad that has happened and somehow turn it for the better? Could it be that the pain will be turned into passion for Jesus? Could it be that the very worst of times could birth the very best of times? Could it be? Of course it could.

As a matter of fact, I’ll go one step further and say that it could be and it will be. “The new normal” that is coming forth from this time of trial will be better than anything we’ve ever experienced. God can take the pain, the death, and the fear and make something beautiful out of it. He can and He will. That is the amazing, awesome, and compassionate God we serve. In fact, when we come to the end of time, when the millenial reign of Jesus concludes and the devil is forever cast into the lake of fire, it will be as if there never was a devil. Actually it will be even better than if there never was a devil. I know that makes no sense to the logical human mind, but it ‘s true. God is in the business of taking what the devil meant for harm and turning out not just for the good, but for the better.

We are confident that God is able to orchestrate everything to work toward something good and beautiful when we love Him and accept His invitation to live according to His plan. Romans 8:28 (The Voice, VOICE)

This pandemic, the social unrest, and all the other challenges that have come against us will be used to serve God’s purpose. He didn’t create the coronavirus and He did not prompt the riots, but He can turn it around so it works out for our betterment and His glory. He can take what is evil and use it to promote good.

Could it be that the best days are ahead of us? Could it be that the future holds more promise than we could ever imagine? Could it be that the dark clouds of disaster will serve to show us the silver lining of God’s goodness? Could it be that the things that looked the worst turn out the best? Could it be that there is nothing so bad, wicked, or demonic that God can’t use it for our benefit? Could it be? The answer is yes, yes, yes- a thousand times yes!

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God Uses What Others Would Discard

God Uses What Others Would Discard