A Dream for This Season

A Dream for This Season

I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel; My heart also instructs me in the night seasons. Psalm 16:7 (NKJV)

According to the Bible, God gives us dreams. They are given to guide us, to expose things, to warn us, or to show us things to come. I don’t typically share dreams on this website since many are personal in nature. However, I just had a dream I believe God would have me share with you. As I was waking up this morning, this was the dream I was having.

It was set back in ancient times, in a chamber in a big castle. A man and I were planning to be married, but it required the approval of the queen. I don’t know why, but it required her approval or the marriage would not take place. At the same time, there were a number of decrees that required her approval to be made into law. I could tell in my dream that my intended marriage and the decrees were good things and the queen was evil. She spoke of her determination to block and prevent the marriage and decrees. Later she left the room to deal with the issues at hand. I waited and when she and her husband returned, she did not speak. However, her husband said to her in a mocking tone, “You said you were going to stop all of this, but you were the one who allowed every single one!”

I asked the Lord for His interpretation of the dream, and I believe it is two-fold.

  • Recently, I have been learning about the parallels between the platform of a political party and religious altars. The platform we align ourselves with by voting is the same as bowing at a religious altar. If we vote for those whose platform endorses abortion and other wickedness, it is the same as bowing before ancient altars to demonic spirits such as Baal and Molech, who approved the shedding of innocent blood. And the wicked spirit of Jezebel seeks to control this nation and turn it away from the worship of God, so any platform that does not recognize God is also an altar to the spirit of Jezebel. The queen in the dream represented the wicked spirits and principalities that have been in power over this nation: Baal, Molech, and Jezebel. I represented the U.S. church and the nation. The man I was to marry represented Jesus. The decrees represented God’s will becoming law and the repealing of wicked laws that have been in place. The evil queen, or the evil spirits controlling many people in the U.S., had to recognize and allow the removal of wicked laws and the ushering in of a new set of righteous laws. It also had to let the church be the church and marry her Lord Jesus. As the church turned away from the wicked rulers, she divorced herself from the spirit of Baal, Molech, and Jezebel and could marry Jesus. And it also represented the nation turning to/ marrying Jesus- or the third great spiritual awakening that has been prophesied for this nation.

That is the first interpretation of the dream. The second has similar concepts but shows it from the natural viewpoint rather than the spiritual.

  • The queen in the dream represented the wicked leaders who have had authority in this country, particularly the woman who is Speaker of the House. That is why I believe the Lord placed this dream in a castle and placed some emphasis on the “house” in which the dream occurred- He was focusing on the House of Representatives. I represented the U.S. people. My betrothed represented Donald Trump. I believe the wicked rulers, especially Madam Speaker, will have to permit the U.S. people to join with Donald Trump, meaning another term in office for the President. I also believe she and other wicked leaders will be forced to permit the passing of righteous laws and the removal of laws and Supreme Court decrees that are contrary to God’s will. This will permit the church to operate freely and usher in the third great awakening.

Those of us who know that God wants righteousness to prevail in government understand the positive nature of this dream and these interpretations. God is showing us His will: that righteousness and justice win in this election. It requires us doing our part to make it happen. We must pray like we have never prayed- decreeing that righteousness wins over evil in the United States and decreeing that wicked schemes of the enemy will come to nothing. And we must vote- according to the Bible. We don’t want to bow at the wrong altar. We will have to answer to God one day for what we align ourselves with. Lets make sure we are on God’s side in this election and that we are bowing at the altar of the one true God.

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