A Deeper Word

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Wisdom From Winston

“This is the lesson: never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never — in nothing, great or small, large or petty — never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.” Sir Winston Churchill

I love quotes. I especially appreciate the quotes of Sir Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain during World War II. Against seemingly impossible odds, he inspired a nation to stand up against Adolph Hitler and the Nazi war machine. He was like a bulldog- he was not one to let go or admit defeat. He was prepared to fight the Nazis to the death. In our lives, we need some of his tenacity and determination as we stand against our enemy, the devil.

Have you ever done something and had it fail? Of course, we all have. What did you do? Did you get right back up and try again? Or did you let the setback stop you? The road of life is littered with broken dreams and discarded hopes, and I’m here today to remind you to never give up.

“Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence – is the key to unlocking our potential.” Sir Winston Churchill

Regardless of how bad you may have failed or how many times you have been unsuccessful at something, you must continue to make an effort. No matter how long it takes, do not give up on your God-given dream. Has your manuscript been rejected 100 times? Your next submission might just be the one that is selected for publication. Have you tried out for the basketball team numerous times, never making the cut? Keep going, and remember that Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team. Have you been unsuccesful in starting a business? Don’t be discouraged- your next try may be the time that things really take off for you. If you fall, keep getting back up.

For though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again. Proverbs 24:16 (NKJV)

Stay motivated. Study great people who succeeded because they knew that God was for them and they refused to give up. The Bible has some excellent examples, such as King David, Gideon, Abraham, Daniel, and many others. Let their examples inspire you to keep going. You can also study great people from history, such as Churchill, Helen Keller, Corrie Ten Boom, George Washington, Martin Luther King Jr., and numerous others. Allow the obstacles they overcame and the challenges they faced light a fire in your heart that burns brightly when the devil tries to make you waver from pursuing your dream.

“It is wonderful what great strides can be made when there is a resolute purpose behind them.” Sir Winston Churchill

You have what it takes. You are going to succeed. You just need to keep going and believe God to see the outcome He has promised. To try something (and continue to try) and fail is much better than to live in fear of failing and not try at all.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.” Sir Winston Churchill

You and God- you’ve got this. So, go for it until you win.