A Fake And A Phony

A Fake And A Phony

Let me be blunt. The devil is a fake and a phony. He is just a liar, a weasel, a con. He operates in lies and fear, and when we call him on it, he flees in terror. When we know who we are in Christ, we don’t have to fall for his deception.

I don’t know about you, but I am refusing to be limited and hindered by the fake news he’s been trying to peddle to me. I am taking a stand and I am moving ahead with God’s agenda. The real truth is that the enemy has no real power unless we give it to him. He cannot influence our lives unless we permit him to have access. When we agree with his lies and say what he says, we give him room to operate. When we believe what God says and violently disagree with the devil, we win EVERY TIME!

He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies. John 8:44 (New Living Translation, NLT)

I cannot lose when I am on the Lord’s side. I know God’s plan for me is victory. God has never been defeated and He has no intention for me to be defeated either. What would you do, where would you go, how would you act if you knew you could not fail? Really think about that for a minute. And then think about the fact that it is true- as God’s child you cannot fail. All the back-up plans we’ve had and the times where we have played it safe show that we have believed the enemy’s lies- maybe without realizing it. So, let’s change that.

When the enemy speaks, I’m going to come out swinging. I refuse to lose. I am not a victim- I am more than a conqueror!

It’s time to break out of the false limitations we’ve bought into. It’s time to break through into the life God has for us. Success is ours- we just have to take it. Don’t believe that little pip-squeak of a devil. He’s headed to the lake of fire, but we’re headed to victory. Tell him to take a hike, then walk right into the winning life God has planned for you. That’s what I’m doing.

Little By Little

Little By Little

Alive, Raised Up, Seated in Christ

Alive, Raised Up, Seated in Christ