A Deeper Word

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Come And Drink

Today we are going to take a look at Psalms 36:8-10 and unpack what God is speaking to us today about coming to Him and drinking of His Spirit.

All may drink of the anointing from the abundance of your house. All may drink their fill from the delightful springs of Eden. Psalms 36:8 (The Passion Translation, TPT) emphasis mine

There’s a place, and it is God’s presence, where there’s an anointing to receive. As we worship, we can drink in God’s presence and His anointing, making us satisfied spirit, soul, and body. There is an abundance, which is a picture of the Holy Spirit’s anointing, which will release the abundant life God has for us. In His presence, we receive the supply for every need and we are satisfied.

To know you is to experience a flowing fountain, drinking in your life, springing up to satisfy. In your light we receive the light of revelation. Psalms 36:9, TPT) emphasis mine

As we know the Lord by His Word and Spirit, we experience a flowing fountain, drinking in God’s life, Spirit, Word, and presence. This brings us true satisfaction. Jesus said in John 4:14 for us to drink of the water that He gives, and we would never thirst again. Only God can satisfy our hunger and quench our thirst. In His presence, life flows out. The river of God takes us deeper into God and His ways. The more we know God, the more our lives will flow in Him- experiencing more and more of Him, releasing abundance to us. Worship is key to entering the flow of God’s river and drinking of His goodness.

Lord, keep pouring out your unfailing love on those who are near you. Release more of your blessings to those who are loyal to you. Psalms 36:10 (TPT) emphasis mine

As we live near the Lord, He keeps pouring out His unfailing love. This speaks of us getting into position to receive what God is pouring out. God will release more of His blessing as we are loyal to Him. As we release our love and worship to Him, He releases His blessing, His wealth, His favor, to us. There is a great outpouring that God is releasing in these last days, and we are to be a part of it. This outpouring of His Spirit is bringing in the end-time harvest. Souls are saved. Bodies are healed. Bills are paid. Lives are changed… all for the glory of God.