A United State

A United State

No, there’s no typo in the title- I purposely meant to say united state, not United States. What I am talking about is not our nation, although it applies to our nation. What I am talking about is a state of being united. As we head into the New Year, I believe God has something specific in mind for us- a united state.

This can speak of a person being united within themselves in their thoughts, actions, emotions, etc. And while it is healthy for us to be of one accord in ourselves individually, I want to specifically address being united as the corporate body of Christ and as a nation.

For wherever there is jealousy (envy) and contention (rivalry and selfish ambition), there will also be confusion (unrest, disharmony, rebellion) and all sorts of evil and vile practices. James 3:16 (Amplified Bible Classic Edition, AMPC)

Those who read the Scriptures understand that one of the devil’s strategies against us is to sow strife and division among us. When people are united, it is difficult to stop them, so the devil tries to bring disagreements. Jesus Himself told the religious leaders that division is the key to stopping progress.

And if a house is divided (split into factions and rebelling) against itself, that house will not be able to last. Mark 3:25 (Amplified Bible Classic Edition, AMPC)

We also see the power of unity in the Old Testament in the account of the tower of Babel.

And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Genesis 11:4-6 (KJV) emphasis mine

The enemy understands this basic concept of divide and conquer. He has been working overtime to do so on the earth, and the effects are obvious-strife and division in nations, in cities, even in our churches. The enemy likes to label people because labels emphasize differences between us. It is extremely important that we understand this and know that other people are not the enemy. The division is not about Democrat versus Republican, progressive versus conservative, rich versus poor, white people versus people of color, men versus women, old versus young, or any other chasm that has appeared in our society. Its not even about differences in our Christian doctrines and practices. It is about the kingdom of Light versus the kingdom of darkness. And for the kingdom of Light to take ground, we must end the strife.

This means we must stop arguing amongst ourselves and bickering over our Biblical beliefs. The church is coming together as one army to bring in the end time harvest that God has promised. Those who continue to make an issue of doctrinal variations in the church will be left out of this great move of God. The most important thing is faith in Jesus Christ- period. If we can agree on that, we can walk united in Him.

We also must stop getting caught up in the cultural divides that the enemy has set up. This war we are in is not based on politics, ethnic group, skin color, tax bracket or any such thing. Yes, it is important to stand for righteousness and to oppose evil in our government and society, but we must keep things in proper perspective. When we get caught up in the things that divide us, we lose sight of what really matters- and the devil loves it when we get our focus off Jesus and the furtherance of His kingdom.

How do we end the division that has gripped our nation and world? We end it with love and forgiveness. Hatred blocks the anointing and hinders the move of God. Now is the time to forgive those who we believe have done damage to our country. Now is the time to forgive those who have walked in racism and bigotry. Now is the time to forgive those who have taken advantage of people. If Jesus was able to forgive the very people who crucified Him (and that includes us), we can surely make the choice to forgive people who have come against us or our ideals. Instead of speaking against people, pray for them. Love them and have compassion on them- for one day they, like us, will give an account of their actions to God.

A united state is imperative for the last great move of God. The end time harvest is upon us. God wants to unveil His glory to the earth, so let’s get our act together and truly be united and of one accord.

Love Yourself

Love Yourself

