The Devil's Kryptonite

The Devil's Kryptonite

Drain the blood into a basin. Then take a bundle of hyssop branches and dip it into the blood. Brush the hyssop across the top and sides of the doorframes of your houses. And no one may go out through the door until morning. For the Lord will pass through the land to strike down the Egyptians. But when he sees the blood on the top and sides of the doorframe, the Lord will pass over your home. He will not permit his death angel to enter your house and strike you down. Exodus 12:22-23 (New Living Translation, NLT)

The blood that the Israelites applied to their door frames was that of a spotless lamb. It served to protect them from the destroyer that the Lord was permitting to come and kill the firstborn sons of the Egyptians. That blood was a picture of the blood that Jesus would shed at Calvary. He was the spotless Lamb of God and His blood protects all believers who apply it. It is the only blood that never loses its power to protect and cleanse. The destroyer that the Lord permitted to pass through Egypt was none other than the devil himself. He was powerless to cross the bloodline that was set up by the children of Israel.

When we apply the blood, or as some call it, plead the blood, against the attacks and schemes of the enemy, we are erecting a barrier of protection that the enemy hates. Make no mistake about it, the devil loves blood and bloodshed- he revels in murders, abortion, and war. However, he cannot stand the blood that was shed by Jesus. It is his kryptonite. It renders him ineffective and impotent. However, we cannot forget that the devil is a lawless foe, meaning that he will try to bypass the law and restrictions that have been placed on him by Jesus’ victory. He is similar to a thief that knows it is illegal to steal but if no one enforces the law to stop his thieving, he will continue to steal. As a matter of fact, Jesus Himself labeled the devil a thief.

The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. John 10:10 (New Living Translation, NLT)

We are the enforcers of Jesus’ victory over the enemy. We must apply the blood to our lives, our families, communities, leaders, etc. When we plead the blood, we are enforcing the victory of Jesus. In essence, we are drawing a bloodline in the sand and keeping the enemy out of our lives and our spheres of influence. And when we couple the blood of Jesus with the Name of Jesus and the Word of God spoken out of our mouths, we totally cripple the devil and his demons.

We need not fear the enemy because we have the weapons at our disposal that will render him helpless. Speak these seven simple words to the devil to block him every time: “The blood of Jesus is against you.” Never ever forget about the blood of Jesus and the power it gives you to stop the devil in His tracks.

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