Share Your Sunshine

Share Your Sunshine

“Your lives light up the world. Let others see your light from a distance, for how can you hide a city that stands on a hilltop? Matthew 5:14 (The Passion Translation, TPT)

As Christians, we have a hope that others do not have, promises that others cannot claim, and joy that comes from knowing Jesus. In short, the light of God’s love shines on us. And we must be sure to let this light shine THROUGH us to others.

Have you ever been in a restaurant where the server is rude and acts as if you are an inconvenience? Have you ever been in a checkout lane at a store where the cashier is unfriendly and careless with your purchases? Did you ever have to wait a long time for service in a business establishment? Have you ever been on hold endlessly waiting to talk with a real person? In these situations, how did you respond? Did you treat them the same way they treated you? Or did you do something to turn their day around?

Most people like those I just described are not purposely trying to hurt us or create ill will. I believe that most people act out of their emotions- and when they are rude or inattentive to us, it comes from a place of hurt, distraction, or even fear. Nearly everyone you meet is going through some sort of trialor challenge- and some of them are going through some horrible situations. As children of God, we have a wonderful opportunity to help them. We can share our sunshine with them.

We have the blessing of God’s abiding presence, shedding His light on our lives. Rather than experience His blessings and let others live in frustration and despair, we can share the light with others. A kind word, a smile, genuine compliments, or even asking to pray for someone can totally turn a negative encounter into a pleasant experience. And when the resources are available, we need to be generous with our money- giving tips where none are expected or tips much larger than the norm. And when the Lord leads, even paying for someone’s purchases or buying someone’s meal.

You may think I am naive, but I really believe that most people are simply doing the best they can to get by. And when we see evidence of their struggles coming out in the way they treat others, it is up to us to turn their dark situation into a brighter one by reaching out and treating them better than they treated us. The world is a dark place, and it is more important than ever that we share our sunshine with others.

So don’t hide your light! Let it shine brightly before others, so that the commendable things you do will shine as light upon them, and then they will give their praise to your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 (The Passion Translation, TPT)

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