A Deeper Word

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Having A Non-Stick Surface

There is cookware made specifically to have non-stick surfaces. This allows food to be cooked without the food sticking to the pan. As Christians, we are to have non-stick surfaces as well. We must not allow offense and hurt to stick to us. It may seem easier said than done, but it is possible to live a life free of offense.

The non-stick surface I am speaking of is the Christian who is covered in the love of Christ. The blood of Christ can make us inaccessible to the attacks of the enemy. The devil is the one who tries to bring offense, hurt, and eventually bitterness to us. If we live in the secret place of God, in His care, He can keep us from the enemy and everything he tries to shoot at us will bounce off or slide off. His arrows can find no place to stick if we are hidden in Christ.

You are my hiding place; You shall preserve me from trouble; You shall surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah Psalm 32:7 (NKJV)

When we receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we become hidden in Christ. The born-again child of God, is in Christ. We are covered and surrounded by the love of Jesus and we are protected from trouble. His songs of deliverance encompass us. We can hide in Him and nothing can stick when we live in Christ.

Offense becomes a problem when we choose to walk outside the love of God. In other words, when we make the decision to receive an offense, we are turning away from the selfless love of Christ and choosing to walk in self-centeredness. The love of Christ makes us immune to the devils’ attacks, but when we decide to focus on ourselves too much and lose sight of walking in love, we give the enemy a place where the arrows of offense can pierce us. Love is what gives us the non-stick surface.

Immerse yourself in the Word and spend time in the presence of the Lord. Worship Him and let His love saturate your heart. When you focus on His love more than on yourself, every evil thought or attack will slide right off. When we stay in the love of Christ, we are invincible from offense and will have a true non-stick surface.