A Deeper Word

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Unchanging and Constant

Many things will change in the earth. As a matter of fact, nearly everything seems to be in a constant state of change. No matter what we see changing around us, on thing remains constant and that is God. He never changes and what He has said in His Word will not change. Society would like to tell us that the Bible is out of date. They would like to convince us that it doesn’t apply to us today because it is old-fashioned and society has moved beyond its principles. This is totally untrue. The Lord and His Word are timeless.

“I am the Lord, and I do not change. Malachi 3:6 (New Living Translation, NLT)

Consider the way we put words to paper. I am typing this post on a computer using a wireless keyboard and mouse to get my thoughts down. When I was a child, the way to get words into print was to type them on a typewriter. That was the technology available. Technology changed and the typewrite went from being a manual device to being electric-powered, with soft-touch keys. Then people began using word processors to type. Then that gave way to the modern computer and keyboard. That technology will eventually be left behind as well. The way to put words into print may change, but God and His Word do not.

Although this technology is radically different than it was even just 50 years ago, God' has not changed His views. He still believes abortion is murder. He still tells us that marriage is between one man and one woman. He still tells us that is wrong to steal, to lie, to worship false gods. The tools we use are changing, but the message is always the same. And never forget: God is still the God who loves mankind and gave Himself for us.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8 (New Living Translation, NLT)

While many may rebel against the teachings of the Bible and against God Himself, it is actually comforting to know that God is immovable and always the same. Because He is constant, we can always rely on Him to be the same each and every day. He is faithful to always remain true to His Word and to be the Rock we can stand upon in the storms of life. Praise God for His eternal Word and for His unchanging love for us!