A Deeper Word

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Insights on Marriage

Marriage is about two people coming together because they love each other, brought together by and for God.

For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. Ephesians 5:31 (KJV)

Marriage is about building a life together, having each other’s backs, doing life as one. It involves enjoying each other’s company and companionship. It means we know one another and accept one another as we are, but also giving each other room to grow. Marriage is successful when we let the other person be themselves. In so doing, we grow together in Christ, we grow in Christ-like maturity, and we grow in godly character.

God uses marriage to teach, train, and show us how to love and give. It teaches us not to be selfish or self-centered. Marriage is more about giving than taking. It is about believing in each other and speaking good over one another. It means we are to be honest, open, faithful, and true to each other all the days of our lives.

Marriage teaches us to be examples of godliness. God expects our marriages to be Christ-centered, meaning our marriages should glorify Him as we put Him first in all we do. If each partner lives for God, then they can live together for God as well, with no competition or strife, complementing and completing each other. In this, they are no longer two, but one flesh, so unified that they blend together as one- even while maintaining their individual identities in Christ.

We are to support and enhance one another without creating any hindrances. Thus, love rules in marriage, and nothing else. God has joined the man and his wife together, and He intends for them to grow closer and closer together, and not apart. This is the result of deliberate effort on the part of both people. Marriage is work. As that unity increases more and more, no one can tear apart what God has united. Purposefully loving and putting one another first will create a marriage that is strong and cannot be divided.