A Deeper Word

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Care Like God Cares

And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you….  That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another. I Corinthians 12:21, 25 (KJV)

As Jesus cares for us, so should we care for one another. The word CARE itself outlines how we can do this.

  • C= CONCERN ourselves with the wellbeing and happiness of others. We are indeed our brother’s 9and sister’s) keeper. The church is a body. While it is made of individual parts, it is one body that operates together in unity.

  • A= ACCEPT people as they are. We shouldn’t try to change people; that’s God’s job. Let people be themselves, love them, and help them to get closer to the Lord, As they do, He will change anything that needs to change.

  • R= REACH out to others. Some people have difficulty making friends or getting to know people. Be kind and relatable and make a difference by one act of kindness in someone’s life. As we take the time to be kind to others, we will reap the same.

  • E= ELIMINATE barriers. When we remove barriers that keep us apart from one another, we can come together as God intended. Barriers could be real or imagined, but we all play a part in destroying whatever divides us. Only by being one in Him can we truly care for each other.

As we care for one another, we will get a tremendous sense of satisfaction and joy in knowing we made a difference to someone. As we concern ourselves with others and accept them as they are, reaching out to them with God’s love, we can unify and be the healthy, happy body of Christ that brings the kingdom of God to earth. A little care makes a big difference and goes a long way. It may just save someone’s life. Life can seem very empty and lonely when no one cares, but just a little love and compassion from one person can turn it all around.