A Deeper Word

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How To Bend & Not Break

Sometimes the pressure becomes so great, we feel as if we will break. It feels like any minor thing can crush us into a dozen pieces. When we feel this way, it is an indication that we have not done what is needed to remain soft and pliable in His care.

That He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, Ephesians 5;26, NKJV)

One thing that is needed for a tree branch to remain pliable and bendable is water. Without water, it becomes brittle and dead. In Ephesians, the Word is pictured as water that washes us and purifies us, and also keeps us. As we stay in God’s Word, we can prevent ourselves from becoming brittle and easy-to-break. It keeps our hearts and attitudes right and we stay bendable and moldable in the hand of God.

And you shall make from these a holy anointing oil, an ointment compounded according to the art of the perfumer. It shall be a holy anointing oil. Exodus 30:25 (NKJV)

Another thing that keeps things soft and bendable is oil. Leather, for example, remains supple and fresh and usable when it is kept oiled. When it is not oiled, it becomes dry and cracked. The Holy Spirit and the anointing are personified as oil. As we pray in in the Holy Spirit, we release the power of God. The anointing flows and we are kept “oiled up” so we can be used.

In the natural, oil and water are both elements that are useful in keeping things moist and pliable. in the spirit realm this is also the case. The water of the Word and the oil of the Holy Spirit anointing will allow us to bend and not break. If we are feeling dry and brittle, we have probably not been diligent in the Word or in praying in tongues, or both. However, it is easy to remedy this by repenting and getting right back into daily Bible study and using our heavenly prayer language. Soon, our outlook will change for the better.