A Deeper Word

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Seeing Ourselves Correctly

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” I Samuel 16:7 (NKJV)

Man looks outwardly, but God looks inwardly. The way we see ourselves is how we think of ourselves, and how we think about ourselves is how we see ourselves. They are connected and interwoven. We must train ourselves to see ourselves the way God does. He sees us as a new creation, loved, valued, worthy, accepted, intelligent, righteous, and so much more!

We must say what God says about us to see us the way He does. To change a wrong perspective to a God perspective requires us to use our mouths to frame our thoughts. If God says, “You are,” then you are what He says. If God says you are his child, then that’s who you are. We are someone because we belong to the most important, strongest, kindest, Someone- God..

Stop looking at yourself outwardly. Don’t allow the world’s opinions to dictate how you see yourself. They may try to label you with words like weak, failure, incompetent, etc. Those are the lies of the enemy based on their outward estimation of you. Start listening to God and how He speaks of you and you’ll begin to see yourself that way. You are His child. You are loved. You are somebody special and important. See yourself through the lens of God’s Word to see what God says about you. Then line your words up with His.

When you’re tempted to think of yourself as a nobody, think again. Get in the Word to see who you really are. See what He sees and say what He says. As you do this, you will begin to walk in your true identity and you will have new confidence and self-respect. You are victorious, an overcomer. You are a Christian, which means you are like Christ. Let that sink in.