A Deeper Word

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God is Bringing Better Days

So the Lord blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning… Job 42:12 (KJV)

No matter how we began or how we started out, no matter what we’ve been through, these things do not determine the outcome. If we go back and look a couple verses prior to this one, we’ll understand why.

And the Lord turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends: also the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before. Job 42:10 (KJV)

God blessed Job when he prayed for his friends. No matter what people say or what they do to us, we must not allow it to inside us and ruin us. Instead, we must pray. Prayer will help us forgive and then pray for our accusers. As we bless others, God blesses us. Job could have been furious with his “friends.” They came to him in his darkest hour, and instead of standing with him, they proceeded to accuse him and blame him for the calamity that had come upon him. And none of them, save one, had it right. But, Job prayed for them.

God turned Job’s captivity, all the bad he had suffered. God actually gave him twice as much as had been stolen from him. Stan had stolen from Job, not God. The devil steals, but God blesses and gives.

When God blesses our lives, He restores what the enemy has stolen. He makes wrong things right. The devil has been doing everything in his power to steal everything from us. God is blessing us, and better days are ahead. Our days are getting better and better. God pays us back for all that we’ve endured. God makes our days better and better in every way.

Rejoice! Better days are coming that will undo and out-do all that the devil has done. God will see to it!