A Deeper Word

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Don't Waste Today

This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 (KJV)

God has given us today. He has given us today to know Him, to fellowship with Him, and to live life with Him and for Him. Don’t let anything or anyone, including yourself, steal the day from you. Today is for us to live, love and even laugh, along the way. Don’t let your past steal your today by regret. Don’t allow your future to steal your today through worry and fear. God wants us to live life and love life. It is His will for us to enjoy our lives day by day.

We waste the day when we don’t give it our best. i know we all face things that are difficult, but don’t waste the day by rehearsing all of the past pain, hurt, the bad things. Don’t think on the negative and view life as hard and all bad. For every pain, Jesus is our Healer. For all of the bad, God is good. And for all the hard times, God says He makes our paths plain, smooth, and level. No matter what the day brings, the Greater One is in us, and He can help us to make the most out of it.

As we begin our days with God, we get His perspective, encouragement, strength, and wisdom, not only to face the day, but to live it to the fullest. No matter who we are, where we are, or what we are doing, we only have today. Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow is not here. Today is now. And the way we live today impacts our tomorrows.

Use today. Make the most of it. As you do, you are building for tomorrow. Speak good words today to create a good tomorrow. What we have today we sowed for it in our yesterdays, whether good or bad. So, be sure to use your words today to frame the best possible future.

We can put yesterday under Jesus’ blood, so our past is forgiven and cleansed. God gives us new mercies for each new day, so God has us and our day covered. For tomorrow, God says He will do a new thing. God wants to swallow up the old with the new, where you forget the old and live in the new, in the now.

God made today for today, and gives it to all of us as a gift. As we accept the gift of today, we can have a good attitude to glorify God, to bless others, and become all God made us to be. Use today to become the best version of yourself that you can be. Make your day and your life count by counting your blessings and speaking God’s promises. God has given us this day, so let’s rejoice and be thankful to God for it.

Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice. Philippians 4:4 (KJV)