A Deeper Word

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Lose To Win

He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it. Matthew 10:39 (KJV)

Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it. Luke 17:33 (KJV)

Whenever we lose, or give up, our lives for Christ’s life, we win. As we learn to let go of what we think we want, and do what God wants, we win. We must lose our pride and be humble before God. We must lose our hate to be filled with God’s love. We must choose to lose our own way to find God’s way. It is by going through the desert that we get to the Promised Land.

God will work with us as we depend on Him alone. Jesus left all to follow and fulfill the father’s plan for His life. Jesus tells us to follow His example. The more we give up, the more we gain. We give it all away to get it back one day- both now and in eternity.

The Christian life is one that is the opposite of the natural, worldly way. We must die to live- die to ourselves, to our wants, to selfishness, and to sin. When we come to the end of ourselves, we live unto God, following Him, obeying Him, and knowing Him more and more. When we lose our lives, we find the life of God. When we lose our own will, we encounter the Lord’s will- and it becomes ours. Our thoughts are exchanged for the thoughts of God Himself. When we lose our words, we fill our mouths with God’s Words. And our plans, pathetic and small, are dropped so we can pick up and run with the plans of God.

Do you see it? When we lose, we actually win! When we give up, we go up. When we lose our immaturity, we mature in God.

The Lord takes us through a process. We may be in a new season, lonely or far from home- in new territory where we must depend on God alone. In this place, we need to draw near to God, seek Him wholeheartedly, and submit to His dealings, workings, and shaping of us. It is uncomfortable, but the more we surrender to the Lord, the better it becomes. Our strength is renewed. Our hope is reinforced. Our God-given wisdom becomes more evident and useful. We mature into a vessel that is unto honor, fit for the Master’s use. As we go through the fire of purging and purifying and do not try to jump out, we will come forth as pure gold- with a purer heart to see God and the ability to give God honor, praise, and glory.