A Deeper Word

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A Holy Ease- Part 3

Jim has been writing about a holy ease the past couple days. He’s pointed to the anointing of the Holy Spirit and speaking the Word as ways we can live life with a holy ease. That got me to thinking about how holy ease is a direct product of the grace of God, so I thought I would add one additional post to his series.

Today I am who I am because of God’s grace, and I have made sure that the grace He offered me has not been wasted. I have worked harder, longer, and smarter than all the rest; but I realize it is not me—it is God’s grace with me that has made the difference. I Corinthians 15:10 (The Voice, VOICE)

We can be at rest and at ease because we understand that God’s grace does for us and through us what we can’t do. God’s grace is often defined as unmerited favor. That is true, but it is also God’s intervention in our lives to work on our behalf, and it isn’t something we can earn or deserve.

How do we take advantage of grace? We receive it by faith. We believe what God has told us and trust Him to perform His Word. When we have faith in God and His grace, we can have untroubled hearts. God’s ability and willingness to intervene and help us produces a peace and rest that we can’t work up on our own. No amount of yoga, self-help books, aromatherapy, or other humanistic efforts can provide the peace that comes by the grace of God. Peace, rest and ease are not external forces- they are internal- so they cannot be produced by external means. For example, we might get a temporary sense of calm from taking a long soak in a warm, fragrant bath, but it does not produce real, lasting peace.

What we are talking about is living a life of ease. It is a continual, lifelong way to live by taking advantage of God’s grace through faith. Understanding that God loves us and wants to help us is key to tapping into His grace and living life in holy ease.