A Deeper Word

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Call to Remembrance

I will remember the works of the Lord; Surely I will remember Your wonders of old. Psalm 77:11 (NKJV)

As we end the year, we often look back with regret or perhaps with a sense of relief that the year is coming to a close. 2020 and 2021 both had unique challenges and battles, but if we look back only with a negative view, then we are missing out on some very important pieces of our spiritual development- and we are being disobedient to the Word.

Remember the things I have done in the past. For I alone am God! I am God, and there is none like me. Isaiah 46:9 (New Living Translation, NLT)

God does not want us to erase the past from our memory just because we went through tough times. As a matter of fact, God wants us to purposely and intentionally call to remembrance the past and how He came through for us.

Consider the past year or two and how God has taken care of you. If we are alive and breathing, then God has watched over us and preserved our lives. If we still have food and a roof over our heads, He has provided for us. Look back in the past 12 months and identify those times when God helped you- there are more of them than you realize. And take time to thank Him for always being there for you.

In addition, consider the lessons learned, the ways in which your eyes were opened to truth this year. Understand that coming through something difficult develops us in amazing ways. Our faith becomes stronger and our understanding of who God is enhanced when we walk through the valley of the shadow of death. If we are honest, we would admit that 2020 and 2021 really felt ike the valley of the shadow of death at times- but His rod and His staff comforted us, and He guided us through the darkness.

The 23rd Psalm reveals that we walk THROUGH the valley- we don’t stay there and camp. God has taken care of us, comforted us, and watched over us, and He is guiding us out of the valley into a year of something new. We can look ahead to good things, but we need not look back with disdain at the previous year- especially when we recall the goodness of the Lord that we have experienced. Yes, we have all been through loss, grief, and times when the spirit of fear tried to take over- but God has been faithful. And the coming year will show us just how good He has been.