A Deeper Word

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Made to Move

For in him we live, and move, and have our being. Acts 17:28 (KJV)

In God, we have our being, or our existence and identity. Notice God includes the word move, or function. God is an action God and He has made us to function and live in God. In turn, God lives in us and moves in us. Then He moves on us to walk with Him. God wants us to move so we don’t grow stagnant.

Physically, the human body has to move to stay healthy. The body of Christ has parts and it must move and be active to do the works of God. When we stop moving, we dry up like a body of water that has no movement and turns sickly and eventually dries up. Like a stream, God wants us to keep moving. This allows Him to keep using us. As a result, we keep living and moving and being used by Him. We have to use what he has placed in us or we will lose it. It is the law of use, or as some say, “Use it or lose it.”

As we live in God, move in God and have our existence in God, we are to breathe in God and then exhale God to others. The breath of God brings life and we release it to others so they may also live and move and have their being in Him.

The more we receive of God, the more we can live and move and exist in Him. God made us to move spirit, soul, and body. As we read, pray, worship and fellowship, we move spiritually. This keeps us flowing in God. As we think like God and learn His ways and choose to obey Him, we move in our souls. As we care for our physical bodies with proper nutrition, exercise, rest, and maintaining low stress, we are moving in our bodies and we stay healthy.

Movement begets movement. In other words, as we move, it prompts us to keep moving. Movement leads to more movement. As we keep moving in God, we live and have our existence in God, with nothing holding us back. So, don’t stop- keep moving!