A Deeper Word

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God Dreams

Through the course of our lives we’ve probably been told we couldn’t do something more often than we’ve been encouraged to do it. Well-meaning parents, teachers, friends, co-workers, and others have discouraged us from pursuing the dreams that God has placed in our hearts. Well, no more!

Today, shake off the limitations people have placed on you. Remove the boundaries that you have accepted for your life and dare to dream. Dream big, big dreams- the kind that make you laugh to think about. Dream the dreams that you have no idea about how to make them happen. Those are God dreams.

And Joseph dreamed a dream… Genesis 37:5 (KJV)

God dreams are the ones we cannot do on our own. He gives us dreams and desires that require Him to bring to pass. Joseph had God dreams. When he dreamed of being in a place of rulership over his brothers, he had no idea how to make it happen on his own. Through many twists, turns, and trials, God made it happen. Joseph would have never figured it out on his own. It was just his job to hold onto the dream he was given.

It is just your job to hold onto the dream you’ve been given. Don’t allow circumstances, people, the devil, or anything to steal it from you. God gave it to you and if He did, then He will bring it to pass. Just hold onto it and believe it will come to pass. When God tells you to take a step of faith, do it. Otherwise, just keep the dream before your eyes and do not lose heart.

If you haven’t placed your dream in a place of prominence before your eyes, don’t wait any longer. Get a picture that represents your dream- or write it down. And then post it where you see it every day- on the fridge, on a bulletin board, on your mirror… somewhere that you will look at it repeatedly. Speak the Word over your dream. And watch- you will see your dream come to life before your very eyes. God dreams big dreams for you, so hold onto the dreams He has given you. Your God dream is on its way!