A Deeper Word

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An Undivided Heart

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Matthew 6:24 (KJV)

We must serve God wholeheartedly, not having a divided heart. We cannot serve two masters because, as Jesus said, you end up loving one and not the other. As we choose to love God with our whole hearts, we will demonstrate that love through serving and worshipping Him.

We must beware that the enemy will hit us with things in life to attempt to divide our hearts and draw us away from singleness of devotion to God. When we permit that to happen, we become ineffective and fail to accomplish anything of consequence for the Lord.

We must know what God wants us to do and stay on course, not getting side-tracked by distrations. We must do what He wants over what our flesh wants or what other people may be enticing us to do. Even good things can pull us away if they are not the things He has instructed us to do.

People with undivided hearts believe God no matter how things appear, knowing God will come through. They do not allow circumstances or public opinion to draw them away from their profession of faith in God’s love.

We need to strive for a heart that is so attached and fixed on God that nothing can draw or tempt us away from living in daily relationship with the Lord. We need to make a solid decision to turn from things of the world and things that cause us to compromise in our walk with God. As we sincerely determine to have undivided hearts for the Lord, we will have no trouble serving Him, loving Him, and living for Him. When our hearts are undivided, we will be single-minded and stable in all our ways (James 1:8).