A Deeper Word

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It's Bigger Than You or Me

God can give you all you need. He will give you more than enough. You will have everything you need for yourselves. And you will have enough left over to give when there is a need. II Corinthians 9:8 (New Life Version, NLV)

The context of this verse is about being a cheerful giver. So many times we think of sowing and giving in terms of having our needs met. Granted, when we give, God mutliplies what is sown and our needs are met. However, when we are cheerful givers, we are giving for the sake of blessing God. We give because we love Him, rather than out of a desire to get something in return. And when He multiplies our seed sown, He gives us what we need and gives us extra so we can help others.

When we get our minds off our need and consider the needs of others, we can be trusted with the harvest off our seed sown. It is when we see our harvest as an avenue to bless others that we begin to truly reflect the nature of our heavenly Father. We begin to look like our Daddy God. When we seek to give more than to get, we show that we are indeed His children.

The Lord has an abundant supply. He can more than meet our needs. What He really wants from us is our willingness to be used a conduit, or a channel, of blessing from God to others. As we position ourselves as a part of God’s distribution system, we do our part to fulfill His desire to bless the world through Abraham’s seed (Genesis 22:17-18). And in blessing the world, needs are met and people are won to Christ.

What an honor it is for our Father to allow us to be a part of this process. He works through us, and it is always a wonderful, humbling experience to be the vessel He uses to meet someone’s needs. It’s really not about our needs being met, because as our Father, He will take care of us. It’s more than that. It’s bigger than you or me- it’s about His plan for humanity. It’s about His plan for blessing people- and we get to be His helpers!