A Deeper Word

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Be A Difference Maker

God changes us to change our world. I remember a situation where we didn’t have a ton of money, but we ministered to people in need with what we had. I recall a particular family that we helped by taking them some groceries. Another time we bought some Christmas presents for an underprivileged child. All we have to do is do what we can with what we have.

No matter your resources, you can speak an encouraging word to someone or donate your time to help with yard work or other chores. There was a time when the church we attended did an outreach in a neighborhood and we helped out. We cooked out and fed the residents, distributed good used clothing, and ministered to people. I led a little boy to the Lord that day. He knelt down and I knelt with him and he gave his heart to Jesus. What a blessing that was for me to have a part in that. And it required nothing from me but my time.

I frequently say, “Do something lest you do nothing.” We can be like the young boy in the Bible who had two fish and five loaves of bread. It didn’t seem like much, but he gave what he had, putting it in the hands of Jesus, and it fed over 5,000 people. What we have might seem like little to us, and it might not be much in our hands, but when we give it in the name of Jesus, it is more than enough. The Lord multiplies what we sow.

Whenever we do something for God, we become difference makers. As we reach out with what we have and love others with the love of Christ, we can truly make a difference in the world. And that is exactly what God has put us here to do.

And he said to them, “As you go into all the world, preach openly the wonderful news of the gospel to the entire human race! Mark 16:15 (The Passion Translation, TPT)