A Deeper Word

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But God, What About My Dream?

I imagine that every single one of us has had a dream or two that did not turn out the way we anticipated. Maybe it was the dream of a certain career or ministry, a wonderful spouse, marvelous children, great accomplishments, or even world travel. Have you ever looked at your situation and said, “But God, what about my dream?”

Life doesn’t always go according to plan. Look at Joseph, who had dreams of ruling. Instead of the dreams coming to pass immediately, he went through great hardship- slavery and prison- before he saw his dreams materialize. As a matter of fact, it was his dreams that created trouble for him. Sold by his jealous brothers into slavery, he endured 13 years in Egypt before his dreams came to pass.

Your dream may have been delayed. Keep the faith until God’s perfect timing. However, it is possible that your dream has been replaced (or is being replaced)- by something better. When I was younger, I had big dreams and plans. When I got saved, my values and plans changed. The dreams I originally had were no longer right for me. And as I matured, my desires changed. To be honest- through all the twists and turns, my life has not turned out at all as I had envisioned- and I’m glad. God’s dreams for us are always better than anything we can think up.

Sometimes the Lord will ask us to lay down a dream or desire- to sacrifice it for Him. It may not be easy to let go of it, but it will be worth it. When we lay our desires on the altar and commit to do whatever God wants, one of two things will happen:

  1. We will sense a release from the Lord and we will have a peace about letting go, and we will be able to move on.

  2. We will lay the dream down for a season and later the Lord will resurrect it- better than before.

The bottom line is- God has not forgotten about your dream. If it is of Him, He will bring it to pass at the right time. You can be sure of that. If it is not of Him, He will help you to let it go and move on to the better things He has for you. Don’t despair or get discouraged. You can trust Him with it- after all, He is the Giver of dreams.

Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you. Ephesians 3:20 (The Passion Translation, TPT)